Adult Swim has dropped another season of Rick and Morty and I’m already obsessed with it! I’m gonna let you know right now while I’ll give you a little recap of the last season, you are going to HAVE to watch seasons 1-5 to understand how we get to 6. MINOR spoilers ahead!!

In the last few episodes of season 5, Rick and Morty are in the multiverse. In episode 9, they had broken up because Morty used Rick’s portal gun without permission and ended up spilling portal fluid on his hand. As a way to show Morty he was disposable, Rick teams up with two crows and Morty befriends a psychopath named Nick. Rick abandons Morty leaving him devastated but karma always comes back around and in the next episode the crows leave Rick. A lot happens in that last episode. Rick gets captured by Evil Morty’s agents, Evil Morty destroys the multiverse and escapes, and we finally get Rick’s origin story, Rick’s and Morty’s are being murdered everywhere, it’s a mess.

This is where season 6 comes into play. In ”Solaricks”, we pick up right where we left off, in a mess. Rick “giving a dramatic speech” and Morty are ready to embrace death when Space Beth comes to save them. They make it back to earth and Rick tries to fix an old portal gun however, he makes a mistake and sends Rick, Morty and Jerry back to their respective universes.
Everyone has something… strange happening in their universe, too much to explain without giving it all away.
This first episode is pure chaos and if you’re a fan of the show you’ll LOVE it, I have high hopes for the rest of the season. Rick and Morty is just an amazing show, probably one of the best Adult Swim has ever aired, I almost wish they dropped the entire season today!

If you’re interested in checking out the show tune in to Adult Swim every Sunday at 11 PM ET or if you have a premium account on Hulu login for the most eventful 22 minutes of your day!
Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed the premiere of season 6!
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